Tarot, the truth of it.

Tarot dates back to the 15th century.  The first documented tarot decks were recorded between 1440 and 1450 in Milan, Ferrara, Florence & Bologna, with the concept of it being discovered in Berne.  There are now many variations of Tarot, the most commonly known is probably Ryder Waite.  Some countries have slightly different packs in terms of the amount of cards within them, and also the illustrations depicted.  In many cases they were used in card games, which one preacher determined to be evil, primarily as they were used in gambling.

With the Major Arcana referring to the non-wand/sword/pentacle /cups suites, and the minor arcana referring to the same, there are 78 cards in total in a deck of standard tarot.  The minor cards are considered to represent the more mundane and day to day aspects of life, whereas the major, the more intense and "bigger picture".

How are they accurate? What can you tell me?

A consultation I had with a client as an example here, should give you some insight into how helpful Tarot can be, in perhaps putting situations in a visual setting.  The cards given are always for the querent (client) to take for their own information, and to decide and do with whatever is right for them.    The client in question had admitted to drinking heavily and had literally had enough of a demanding and stressful job, and a marriage that was seemingly on it's way out.  The cards selected, three in total were, the 9 of swords, the 9 of cups, and the 9 of pentacles.   I had never seen this spread before in my life, and quite literally I had to tell my client that a complete lifestyle change was necessary unless they wanted to have serious health problems. 

The 999 was exactly what jumped out at me. To conclude, they had too much of the drink, too much working, and too much emotional/money stresses to contend with.  

From this point, as I mentioned, it is down to the querent to decide to heed the warning signs or to continue along with this downward spiral of lifestyle and end up with further problems.   

Is there any such thing as a bad reading?

For me, I am not here to give bad readings. Whatever cards come into play, have to be interpreted to the querent in the best way possible, so they can be aware of difficulties they may encounter and know how to deal with them.  For example, the death card tends to scare the hell out of most people, but it doesn't necessarily mean a physical death, but the end of a situation, or reference to a previous passing of someone, which may still be affecting the client who may still need some support with it. 

 We should remember that there are good things in life that happen, and bad things in life that happen, and that it is how we navigate through these situations that is important, and Tarot is here to help you do that.   

Are they accurate?  Yes I think they definitely are.